How Much Do Breast Implants Cost?

Woman holding coffee while looking out window in bra (model)

Breast implants offer more than just aesthetic enhancement—they can seriously boost your self-confidence. But these benefits come with a price.

How do you navigate the financial aspects of this major decision? This comprehensive blog post covers what you need to know about breast augmentation, including implant types, surgical considerations, and financing options.

Breaking Down the Costs by Implant Types

Two key types of breast implants dominate the market: saline and silicone. The cost will vary depending on your choice.

  • Saline implants are silicone shells filled with sterile saltwater. Saline implants are typically more budget-friendly than their silicone counterparts. In the rare event of a leak, the body can safely absorb the saline solution, making for a more straightforward fix or replacement.
  • Silicone implants are filled with a gel that mimics the feel of natural breast tissue, making them popular for their natural feel and appearance.

In addition to choosing between saline or silicone, you’ll have options regarding implant profile (typically ranging from low to high) and shape (round or teardrop). The breast implant’s profile is unlikely to influence your overall cost, but teardrop-shaped implants generally cost more than round implants.

Exploring Your Surgical Options

Breast implant types are just the beginning of your options. The surgical procedure itself has variables that can affect both your outcome and the overall cost.

Implant Placement

Two implant placement options are available: subglandular and submuscular.

  • Subglandular Placement: The implant is inserted between the breast tissue and chest muscle.
  • Submuscular Placement: The implant is placed under the chest muscle, which provides additional coverage and support.

Incision Locations

Possible incision locations include inframammary, periareolar, and transaxillary.

  • Inframammary: The incision is made discreetly in the crease under the breast.
  • Periareolar: The incision circles the edge of the areola, camouflaged by the variation in skin tone.
  • Transaxillary: The incision is made in the armpit to avoid scarring on the breast.

Because saline implants are filled after insertion, they typically offer more flexibility in incision choice.

The Average Cost of Breast Implants

Based on information from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of breast augmentation with implants in the United States ranges from approximately $5,000 to $10,000 as of 2021, which doesn’t include additional fees like anesthesia and facility costs.

Factors such as geographic location, the surgeon’s expertise, your specific procedure, and implant choice (saline vs. silicone) affect costs. Since the surgery is so individualized, the best way to get an accurate cost estimate is to schedule a consultation.

Additional Costs To Consider

When budgeting for your breast augmentation, it’s important to consider some often-overlooked additional costs.

For instance, anesthesia is an essential part of the surgery but can vary in price. Similarly, the surgical center will add its fees to the cost of the procedure. Post-surgery needs, such as specialized garments that aid healing and comfort, may be required. These costs can add up, so it’s best to be fully prepared as you plan your budget.

We’ll provide you with a customized, comprehensive cost breakdown after you consult with us.

Why Price Shouldn’t Be Your Main Deciding Factor

We understand that cost is a significant concern when considering breast augmentation. However, while the allure of low-cost breast augmentation can be tempting, it often comes with hidden risks.

Inexpensive options may mean that safety standards and quality are compromised, from the surgical team’s qualifications to the implants themselves. Additionally, low-cost providers may offer a less individualized approach, lacking the customization that aligns with your unique needs and aesthetic goals. Ultimately, going for the cheapest option can lead to unsatisfactory results or even complications, requiring further corrective surgeries and incurring more emotional and financial tolls down the line.

The saying “you get what you pay for” often holds true. Reputable surgeons invest in their practices, technologies, and patient service. By opting for a low-cost provider, you may compromise on the quality of your results and overall experience.

Breast augmentation is an investment in yourself, so prioritize quality and safety over cost. Your health and happiness are priceless.

Long-Term Considerations

Although breast implants can last up to 15 years—sometimes longer—they aren’t considered permanent devices. You may need to replace them via breast implant revision surgery eventually, and you should consider this in your planning.

Does Insurance Cover Breast Implants?

Regarding insurance coverage for breast implants, the situation is generally straightforward: If the surgery is purely cosmetic, most insurance plans won’t cover the costs. However, if you’re undergoing breast reconstruction following a mastectomy, insurance plans do provide coverage.

It’s important to consult directly with your insurance provider to understand the nuances of what’s covered and what’s not. Keep in mind that even if your surgery is covered for reconstructive reasons, you may still be responsible for some out-of-pocket expenses, such as copays or deductibles.

Financing Breast Augmentation

Many people opt to finance their breast augmentation to spread their costs out over time. Park Plastic Surgery has teamed up with CareCredit to simplify this process for you. CareCredit is a well-known program offering financing options that can be tailored to fit a variety of budgets.

Ready To Take the Next Step?

If you’re interested in discussing your options with a board-certified plastic surgeon, call our Rocky Mount, NC, office at (252) 937-5003 or request a consultation.

View our before-and-after breast augmentation gallery to see the results we’ve achieved for previous patients.

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